Before You Leave Home

The Essentials
Women's List
Packing for Men
Packing for Kids
Packing Tips
Before you Leave

To ensure peace of mind while you are away, why not run over this last-minute checklist of things to do before you go? Taking care of the things on this list will help you in case of any emergencies; if you lose your documents, luggage, or identification; as well as ensuring your home is secure and taken care of while you are away.

Before You Leave Home

Before Your Leave on Your Vacation
____ Have the post office hold your mail.
____ Stop your newspaper delivery, or have a friend or neighbor take them in for you.
____ Leave copies of your passport, airline tickets, travelers checks and any credit cards you plan to use with a family member or trusted friend.
____ Place a card with your name and address inside your luggage, as well as on the outside.
____ Bring your travel and health insurance information and have it handy at all times.
____ Verify that your identification and travel tickets are in your carry-on bag and will be available at all times.

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